Cultural center
Created: 2 March 2005
Modified: 14 March 2005
Accessed: 18122
Cultural center
The original Jokubavas cultural center was established in the state house of the former president Aleksandras Stulginskis. The village library had been active in the same building since 1954. Two of the western rooms were combined to make a hall with a smallstage at the northern end. At the cultural center movies were shown and plays performed (the writers Zemaites: "Marti," "Petras Kurmelis," Trys mylimos," and other plays were performed). The directors of the plays were the teachers Zilinskas and Rasciiunas. In 1957 the cultural center's administrator was B. Kubileviciute-Draskiene and the art director was A. Galdikas. Administrators would come and go, but A. Galdikas remained art director till 1980. Various ensembles were created, guests soloists would perform, theatre groups created. In 1951 the collective farm bought 14 brass instruments and a brass band was active for 10 years under the direction of A. Galdikas. Local arts were supported by the collective farm administration. The local educated of the village; teachers, health care workers, agronomists actively participated in local cultural activities. A member of the women's choir, R. Maciute, later became a professional singer. After the estate house was destroyed in 1986 memebers og the cultural center would meet at the school or collective farm meeting room. In 1992, the Zalgiris township administration, allowed the remodeling of the oldcollective farm day care center as a new cultural center. Currently the administrator of the cultural center is D. Pilipciuk and the art director is R. Valiukiene. Mardigras, scout meetings, luncheons, meetings with writers and artists and art exhibitions take place at the cultural center. An active drama ensemble is part of the cultural center. Since 2000 a scout group under the direction of A. Kelpsaite has been active. A youth group "Ambasada" has also been formed.
A village library was established in 1954, first in outbuilding of the estate of the former president A. Stulginskis, later transferred to the main building. In 1986 after the main estate was demolished the library was moved to the home of librarian Laima Paulauskiene. In 1991-1992 with the former collective farm day care not active, the library was moved to this building. With renovation and expaansion of the structure there now is room for exhibitions. The first librarian was a local Juliius Janauskas. Librarians would come and go, thru 1982 the library had 13 librarians. Since 1982 Laima Paulauskiene has held this job. The library works with the school library, cultural center, and other local libraries. Organized events include poetry and literature evenings. Various writers and artists have presentations, exhibitions are shown, commemorative events are held. In 2002 the library hosted sculptor/author Juozas Siksnelis, in 2003 printmaker Diana Zukauskaite. The book "Lithuanian artists in Australia 1950-1990" by Genovaite Kazokeine was presented in conjuction with a concert by the folklore group Meguva from Palanga. |