Created: 31 January 2005
Modified: 2 March 2005
Accessed: 48553
Social evening "On the Autmn Trail"
On October 2nd the community council organized a well attended second annual social evening "On the Autmn Trail." Popular singer R. Dambrauskas, sponsored by parliamentarian J. Narviliene, was the featured entertainer. Awards were also given to the oldest village residents as well as the winners of the "best kept gardens" competition (awards sponsored by Kretinga county and parliamentarian G. Kniuksta). The project "Jokubavas-a digital community" (sponsored by the Open Society Fund of Lithuania) was presented along with recent project results. After the official program refreshments both potluck and sponsored by local businessmen Paulauskas and Gricius were served. The evening festivities continued with music (sponsored by Zalgiris township) andwent into the wee morning hours (till the crowing of the first rooster!).
The project "Jokubavas-a digital community"
Our Project In 2003 the village of Jokubavas participated in the grant competition "Steps toward digital Lithuanian Communities" sponsored by the Open Society Fund of Lithuania. The project "Jokubavas-a digital community," was awarded funding and in November of 2003 computer literacy classes were started for the local populace. Using the local school's computer lab (available to the community after school hours) lecturer Felicija Stramilaite was able to educate 47 local villagers in computer literacy. The first class "graduated" in February 2004. The first informative newsletter, "The Jokubavas Bulletin," was published prior to Christmas 2003 by editor Zivile Markute-Armiliene. A second newsletter was published prior to Easter 2004 and during the summer of 2004 a special issue devoted to the best kept gardens of the village was issued. Basic information concerning the village along with a digital museum archive was added to the village web site. A dedicated computer server was also obtained thur Open Society funds. Tho the actual funded grant project has been completed work continues. The digitilization of the museum archives is a continuing project and the village data base is also constantly being updated and expanded. Further issues of the newsletter are being planned. |